Join us for a FREE virtual conference celebrating Social Media Day 2022 with a special focus on Selling Your Digital Skills!
Learn strategic client outreach and attraction tactics as well as package, pricing, and selling-your-skills know-how in this one-day summit.
We’ll be covering these topics:
● Raising Your Rates!
● Crafting Your Proposal & Pitch
● Selling Strategy & Consulting
● Killer COLD Outreach Tactics
● Positioning Yourself as an Expert
● Attracting High-Level Clients
● Leverage Outsourcing to Save Time
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Not sure what to watch? Here are some talks you won't want to miss.
Focus on your areas of choice
If you’re focused on launching or growing your online service business, we've got you covered!
Learn strategic client outreach and attraction tactics as well as package, pricing, and selling your skills know-how in this one-day summit.
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